Additional Resources

{ % references %} { % endreferences %}

  1. attachInterrupt() - attaches interrupt of specific pin to specific ISR
  2. Using Interrupts on Arduino
  4. detachInterrupt() - Turns off the given interrupt.
  5. noInterrupts() - Disables interrupts (you can re-enable them with interrupts()).
  6. interrupts() - Re-enables interrupts (after they’ve been disabled by nointerrupts()).
  7. Nick Gammon: Interrupts on the Arduino Uno
  8. Nick Gammon: Power-saving techniques for the Atmega328P processor
  9. Nick Gammon: How to make an Arduino-compatible minimal board
  10. ATmega328/P Complete Datasheet
  11. sparkfun: Reducing Arduino Power Consumption
  12. Arduino Power Saving
  13. Závodský, Ondrej: Programujeme AVR v jazyku C
  14. TimerOne & TimerThree Libraries
  15. Arduino, Zigbee and Embedded Development
  16. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
  17. AVR Libc Home Page
  18. Lightweight Low Power Arduino Library
  19. Build Your Own Arduino
  20. Building an Arduino on a Breadboard
  21. LM7805 Datasheet
  22. Atmel - picoPower Labs - Basic power-saving techniques
  23. AVR4013: picoPower Basics
  24. How to reduce Arduino Uno power usage by 95%
  25. Battery amp-hour, watt-hour and C rating tutorial
  26. Series vs. Parallel
  27. BU-302: Series and Parallel Battery Configurations
  28. Datasheet NCR-18650B
  29. Adventures in Science: Level Up Your Arduino Code With External Interrupts
  30. BANZI, Massimo; SHILOH Michael: Getting Started with Arduino - Maker Media, Inc, 2014, ISBN 9781449363338
  1. Wikipedia: Intterrupts - In system programming, an interrupt is a signal to the processor emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention.
  1. Wikipedia: Polling) - Polling, or polled operation, in computer science, refers to actively sampling the status of an external device by a client program as a synchronous activity.
  1. MALÝ, Martin: Hradla, volty, jednočipy: úvod do bastlení - Praha: CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o., 2017. CZ.NIC. ISBN 9788088168232.
  1. Wikipedia: Sleep mode

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